How do we Explore and Understand the Problem Simply?

Here is the simple way to state it: a) Human beings are by natural evolution greedy. They are altruistic towards those they consider as their ingroup members. b) Hence, there is rivalry and competition between groups. Households, communities, state societies, ethnicities, religions, nation states are competing against one another in this rivalrous dynamic. AuthorZenith Athang© …


Due to the diminishing marginal utility of returns relating to any experience(s), humans always seek novelty. As a result of this, humans end up consuming much more than otherwise in the domain of atoms and energy. Reducing the per capita energy consumption and materialistic consumptions and shifting the consumption to the domain of bits/information, as …

Can we Imagine a World Without Conflict and With Human Lives Having Purpose and Happiness?

Let’s call this type of a situation that we are trying to imagine as protopia. Let’s try to together understand and discuss how we can get their, together. How can we have a world where we live without conflict? In order to understand this, we need to know from where conflict exactly arises? We live …


In a system that’s undergoing Autopoiesis, the optimal result is rarely figureoutable, and almost certainly never provable when communicating it to a wide sapien population. Hence, the solutions that we come up with and implement also have to be evolving. Author Zenith Athang ©